Wednesday, November 11, 2009

novembeR 11 .2009

so today is november 11 2009 .
the day outside is kind of gloomy. there is no sun to shine.
its finally my favorite season :] i love when its cold.
but i hate it because my hair does not work well with the cold.
talking about my hair, i hate it !
it used to be very long and i loved it.
I decided to get a haircut and cut off anything dead.
turns out my hair went from long to short :/
I HATE it but itL grow baCk hopefully. :]]


ok so working on essay 4 really helped alot !
now i have some sense of how to start off my research paper
researching pediatrics has come in handy.
now i knw what medical schools are looking for
and what courses i need to be taking.


  1. When did you cut your hair? When I saw you yesterday it was long. I can't see you right now over the cubicles, though. But I'm sure it looks great!

    You say you like it when it is cold, but I'm not sure you understand "cold", unless you've lived North before...I come from Michigan, where a good portion of winter is below 0. That's actually why I originally moved to the Southwest. I think the worst was pumping gas. Geez oh Pete's...miserable. I like the weather right now here too, though. Chilly - just enough to need a jacket - is comfortable. I think all of the sunshine gets old, eventually. I miss Fall back home, with all of the leaves and the apples and such, and I miss thunderstorms a ton. They were the best!

  2. Yes, you can play with a chinchilla, they are so cute and soft, but they are troublemakers. You can let them out onto the floor and they scamper around, and they take dustbaths and stuff, which is adorable.

    Have you found out about that job yet?
