Tuesday, November 17, 2009

juiCy vs. cLaiRes

so ifinaLLy heard baCk from the stores where i have appLiedd.
last niGht i got a caLL from juiCy couture in the outlets.

They want to hire me for a seasonaL position !
Which is great making $$$ whilE on vacation !
they offer me 25hours in 2 weeks
at minimum wage.
[[coveniently located in the Camarillo outlets about
5 minutes away from my house ]]

so i told my sister the great news !
in a matter of seconds it turned into not great newws !
she told me that the manager at claiRes also wants to hire me !
they will offer me 40 hours in 2 weeks
at $8.75
[[located in the pacific view maLL
in venturaa]]

ihave no clue where to work ! ineed helpp .

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