Tuesday, November 3, 2009

follow up on inteRview ....

so wednesday i had a job interview :]

at juiCy couture ! one of my favv stores ever
so when i got there i was pretty nervous !
but after i sat down i was excited to see what i would be asked.
ifelt like it went grreat .
there was laughing and jokes.
nothing that i expected.

so ihave some "connections"
that also work there .
 the story is she liked me :]]
and she wants to hire me :]]
hopefully this isnt any mumbo jumbo !
next time you go to juicy in
the camarillo outlets you might see someone that looks familliar .

ME hopefuLLy :}

juiCy coutuRe .

1 comment:

  1. What store is that? I've never heard of it (I'm from Michigan, so that's probably why.)
