Tuesday, December 1, 2009

workinG liffe.

so finally ! i had my first day of work.
it was nothing i expeCted.
ithought maybe they would take it on me since it was my first day .
as soon as i got there it was work work work
from ringing up customers to fixing the different merchandise.
people might think working at Claires is easy.
oh no it is not !
working at claires means memorizing specials or discounts
and remembering what buttons to punch in!

and the worst of it all !
Piercing ears!.

i still have not pierced an ear.
hopefully its a while before ido!

so if youre ever in the pacific view mall in Claires
say hi ! :]]

Monday, November 23, 2009

almost thanksgivinGG.

so Thanksgiving is in a couplE of days !
cant wait foR that day . along with Thanksgiving comes all the yummy food .
since i am Mexican, Thanksgiving is somewhat different.
My mom and my aunts spend all day in the kitchen
making their yummy food.
Our feast includes tamales,pozole and flan.
Also at our dinner we have the traditional food.
From turkey and mashed potatoes to pie and [[my favorite]] stuffing !

what do you guys have for Thanksgiving dinner ?

*Remember Thanksgiving is not only a time to stuff ourselves
but also to give thanks for who we are and we what we have.

P.S. i watched "New Moon" this weekend ! and i absolutely love it 100% no doubbt !

i havent gotten a chance to watch Twilight but i have checked out the book and about to start reading over our break ! :]]]]

♥ yayyy new moon !

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

juiCy vs. cLaiRes

so ifinaLLy heard baCk from the stores where i have appLiedd.
last niGht i got a caLL from juiCy couture in the outlets.

They want to hire me for a seasonaL position !
Which is great making $$$ whilE on vacation !
they offer me 25hours in 2 weeks
at minimum wage.
[[coveniently located in the Camarillo outlets about
5 minutes away from my house ]]

so i told my sister the great news !
in a matter of seconds it turned into not great newws !
she told me that the manager at claiRes also wants to hire me !
they will offer me 40 hours in 2 weeks
at $8.75
[[located in the pacific view maLL
in venturaa]]

ihave no clue where to work ! ineed helpp .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

novembeR 11 .2009

so today is november 11 2009 .
the day outside is kind of gloomy. there is no sun to shine.
its finally my favorite season :] i love when its cold.
but i hate it because my hair does not work well with the cold.
talking about my hair, i hate it !
it used to be very long and i loved it.
I decided to get a haircut and cut off anything dead.
turns out my hair went from long to short :/
I HATE it but itL grow baCk hopefully. :]]


ok so working on essay 4 really helped alot !
now i have some sense of how to start off my research paper
researching pediatrics has come in handy.
now i knw what medical schools are looking for
and what courses i need to be taking.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

follow up on inteRview ....

so wednesday i had a job interview :]

at juiCy couture ! one of my favv stores ever
so when i got there i was pretty nervous !
but after i sat down i was excited to see what i would be asked.
ifelt like it went grreat .
there was laughing and jokes.
nothing that i expected.

so ihave some "connections"
that also work there .
 the story is she liked me :]]
and she wants to hire me :]]
hopefully this isnt any mumbo jumbo !
next time you go to juicy in
the camarillo outlets you might see someone that looks familliar .

ME hopefuLLy :}

juiCy coutuRe .

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

jObbbb interview .

so todayy is thebiGG dayy !

tOday is my jObb iteRRview !
finaLLy a chanCe foR a jobb !
im kind of nervous but very excited!
im nervous for the questions i might be asked but
excited for the opportunity at a job ! :]]

wishh me LUCK