Tuesday, October 13, 2009

dReams .

Last night was one of the scariest nights ever.
i awoke to a dream that will haunt me for the rest of the day.
I dreamt that as i happily drove my car down the street i looked in my rear view mirror and saw the grim reaper. ew. scary right ? i know i wanted to cry ! So as im sitting here in the lab i looked up what having the grim reaper in you dreams meant. According to Maryanne W on Yahoo answers it means that someone close to you is bound to die or you are going to face tough situations. I pray that its me facing a tough situation. Hopefully this is completely wrong. Today isnt starting out as a very good day and the rain is helping much either. =*(
Does anyone know what dreaimg the grim reaper actually means ?


  1. Wow, that does sound scary. Don't worry too much, though. Dreams are just our minds working while we're sleeping; they don't always have a special meaning.

  2. I'd say the grim reaper was actually your guardian angel in disguise!
